Grimace Only Up!
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Grimace Only Up!

Grimace Only Up!

Grimace Only Up! is a platformer that will have you on the edge of your seat because of its high-octane action. You'll be playing the role of Grimace in this exciting adventure. Grimace is a physically fit and charming hero. Grimace, a charming and elegant hero, will make you follow him into a terrifying environment filled with levitating platforms and traps. You have a simple but challenging goal: to avoid all obstacles and move from platform to platform as you progress through the levels. The game "Grimace Only Up!", with its intuitive controls and stunning visuals, is both exciting and accessible. Are you enjoying the antics and humor of Grimace's? You'll love our free gift, Grimace birthday escape! Do you strive to be great, or are you content to go with the flow? Prepare yourself for the most exciting ride of your lifetime!

How To Play

  • Use the WASD keys to control Grimace's movements. Move left and right to navigate the floating objects.
  • Press the SPACE key to make Grimace jump. Timing your jumps is critical to avoid traps and progress upwards.
  • Ascend as high as you can, navigating through increasingly challenging levels and obstacles.
  • Keep your eyes on the prize: reaching the finish line and achieving victory in this pulse-pounding platformer.

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