Noob & Pro Skateboarding
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Noob & Pro Skateboarding

Noob & Pro Skateboarding

Noob & Pro Skateboarding puts you in the position of two skateboarders who are just starting out. The game challenges you to be their best. Noob decides to start a race after spending a lot of time training. The Minecraft world has a specially constructed track, complete with obstacles and jumps. Many extreme gamers are already fans of this type of racing. On the start-up line, you will find all of your characters. Furthermore, your first challenge will be to control two characters at the same time while you navigate through a maze. Because of their scattered placement, coordinated motions are not very helpful, and this is a difficult task. You can organize friendly matches with a friend. As you glide effortlessly through obstacles, collecting stars, and completing the course, be sure to keep your eyes on what's around you. Noob & Pro Skateboarding can be great because they're fast-paced. Are you looking to display your talents on a board?

How To Play

Use the arrows.

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