Tiny Football Cup
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Tiny Football Cup

Tiny Football Cup

In the Tiny Football Cup, take on illustrious teams from around the world and see who can claim the team championship trophy.

Playing Tiny Football Cup is like playing a traditional finger soccer game; you control the speed and direction of your player tokens with your mouse or touch screen. Play in a variety of leagues and tournaments with one of the 28 available teams. There are a total of five player tokens at your disposal. Which one you want to move to is entirely up to you. If they collide, they will kick the soccer ball in the opposite direction. Each side takes turns hitting the ball. To navigate, you must first observe and then decide where to touch the ball. Get goals before your opponent does by expertly kicking the ball around the field!

You can purchase entry to leagues and tournaments with the coins you earn from victories. Winning leagues and tournaments also grants rubies, which you can use to buy packs in the store. These packs allow you to find new teams to play with!

How To Play

  • Drag the mouse to point the arrow to a reasonable position for the ball to score.

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