EG Linear Basketball
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EG Linear Basketball

EG Linear Basketball

Enter Eg Linear Basketball, a virtual basketball arena of the highest quality. In this game, you can use your drawing and reasoning skills to help the balls fall into the baskets. Your lines will be the paths that basketballs take. You have to always be careful because there are more basketballs and balls around. Do you think these obstacles are too big for you?

Drag the balls onto the screens to start the game. You will have to use your critical thinking and strategic planning skills under pressure to solve the multi-ball, multi-basket problems. You can either use your ball to shield yourself from the bombs or you can cleverly avoid them. The game increases the speed gradually to confuse you.

You never know what obstacles may arise. Never make lines without first checking the level. It is a good idea to create a wave pattern on the level. This will help you easily get your ball into other baskets. Alert yourself to bomb signals, and take quick action to create obstacles or change your trajectory.

How To Play

Use the mouse to play.

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